Educonsa News

Educonsa News, our free newsletter, gives you up-to-date information and latest news and inspiration.

We will send you our top reads for the months regarding education and learning in general and provide loads of tips for living a fulfilled life. Our newsletter will include tips and updates on what is happening in the world which concerns parents and teachers, from sharing advice for parents and teachers to regular updates on special must-read resources. 

How to get the latest Educonsa News?

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We use your e-mail address only to send our newsletter and never share it with third parties. You can cancel your subscription at any time.After you enter your name and e-mail address and click Subscribe, you're all set. You'll receive a confirmation e-mail asking if you want to receive our newsletter.  This is to make sure it was really you who submitted your address. Only then, when you confirm, your name will be put on our newsletter mailing list and the newletters will be sent to you automatically.Be assured that we use your e-mail address only to send our newsletter and never share it with third parties. And you can cancel your subscription at any time should you not want to receive any news from us anymore. 

If you have queries or suggestions about topics we should explore further, please feel free to contact us. We always appreciate your input.

Thank you for subscribing! And enjoy life wherever you are!

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